Thursday, April 28, 2011

Department control of SEV plant (week 3)

Power oil pump for Rotor Barring system

Jacking oil pump for jacking oil system (2 pump)

Follow technician go to the condenser tube cleaning machine (CTC) and help on changing the tube cleaning ball of the machine guide by the technician.We also follow technician go to the block 1 steam turbine ST-41 see the open cover for the LP steam turbine for the outage of the steam turbine. we also go to the Black start Diesel Generator (BSDG)to observe for the Generator. Then , we understand the function of the BSDG is to supply current to the gas turbine and equipment when is totally blackout in the power plant.
Go to the Water Treatment Plant(WTP) to observe on the process of the water treatment and the equipment use.The major component use for the Water Treatment Plant(WTP) are Dual media filter (DMF), Activated Carbon filter (ACF), strong acid cation (SAC) and strong base anion(SBA). some major liquid use for the WTP are sodium hydroxide (49%) and Sulphuric acid (98%) which both liquid are highly corrosiveness. Function of WTP are to treat the raw water to demineraliz water which are going to use for the Heat recovery Steam Generator. Go to the GT-21 to understand on the start-up step and more understand on the function of lube oil system which consist of power oil system, jacking oil system and power oil for rotor barring system.go to the fire fighting pump station to observe on the technician teat on the fire fighting pump.

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