Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Department control of SEV plant (week 4)

Follow technician go to the Electro-chlorination plant isolate the valve. Listen to the technician about the process of the Electro-chlorination plant(ECP)on how the sea water undergoing electrolysis process to get the diluted chlorine which are going to be used to inject into sea water to kill the plankton and the sea creatures.Major component of the electro-chlorination plant are sea water pump, strainer, electrolyze equipment and the storage tank (Degassing tank) which are used to store the diluted chlorine water.

Process of the electro-chlorination and the major equipment involve

Go to the fire fighting pump to observe on the technician testing on the fire fighting pump and go to the Black start Diesel Generator(BSDG) test on the generator to make sure it standby and can be start at any time during blackout for the power plant.Go to the GT-23 observe on the start-up of the gas turbine and listen to the explanation on the lube oil system and single line system by the operation technician.

Go to the main cooling water system (MCW) guide by the operation technician to isolate the breaker cond MCW, MCB Debris, vent line, condenser line number 1 and also closed cooling water inlet sea water supply.Help on draining the sea water from the condenser for maintenance purpose guide by the operation technician.

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