Sunday, May 29, 2011

Department of Mechanical

Figure show used filter of the twin lube oil filter

Figure show the inner part of the twin lube oil filter after take out the filter

Figure show the twin lube oil filter after install the filter.

Go to the GT-32 help on take out the filter of the twin lube oil filter. There are seven filter in each of the lube oil filter. observe on how they take out the filter for cleaning.Observe on how they drain the lube oil from the cooler and how they drain the lube oil from the big tank of the lube oil system for cleaning the tank and refill the lube oil.

Help on carry the thing to GT-32 lube oil system room prepare for the worker to clean the lube oil tank.observe on how the contract worker prepare and go into the lube oil tank to clean the tank.Observe on the inner part of the lube oil tank.Help on install the filter of the twin lube oil after cleaning and also help on make the gasket using the equipment guide by the technician.Help on change the power oil filter and also observe on the power oil filter.

Observe on how they service for the variable inlet Guide vane (VIGV) and observe on how they service the fuel gas control valve for GT-32.Observe on how they service on the turning gear actuater of the gas turbine and also the lube oil purifier. Go to the GT-32 gas turbine help on install the accumulator NOX water.Observe how they install it and help to install it.

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